We may be small, but our writers are some of the best (and they happen to be Indigenous)

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Not all the books you see on BOOKSHOP published with us, but please support them - buy their books!

OUR SERVICES (and others) 2023

Our authors receive 100% of their book royalties.

In 2019, we upped the game - first that new name: BLUE INDIANS BOOKS! Authors will have to negotiate an upfront cash payment for editing, interior book layout, the e-book epub, an author book website, ISBN, and book cover design with Trace, etc... ($250+) She will help you set up an account with Amazon's KDP to produce the ebook then a paperback.  It's alot but it's worth it.

Publishing has changed beyond recognition, as you may have noticed. Using Blue Hand Books to publish is a MUCH more affordable and faster.

Email: tracelara@pm.me


Places to Publish:

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How to write a book synopsis

A quick Internet search returns plenty of articles and advice on how to write a great book synopsis — mostly geared toward sharing your book with an agent or editor as a means of selling your book. (Here’s one by Jane Friedman, another by Marissa Meyer, another from NowNovel.com, and here’s a collection of synopses that won their authors contracts with agents and publishers.


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