
Showing posts from February, 2022

We may be small, but our writers are some of the best (and they happen to be Indigenous)

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Not all the books you see on BOOKSHOP published with us, but please support them - buy their books!

Tôn Kutômkimun (How We Rise)

Yellow Arrow Publishing would like to announce the next guest editor for Yellow Arrow Journal , Rebecca Pelky. Rebecca will oversee the creation of our Vol. VII, No. 1 issue. Mark your calendars! Submissions open March 1 and the issue will be released in May . This next issue of Yellow Arrow Journal will be on the overarching idea of r[a]ise. Rebecca states, “I think that r[a]ise has the potential for myriad interpretations, but at its heart for me is the idea that one rises as an individual and/or one raises others up. Rising is awakening but raising is also about what we do next as